Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bonus Month

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be such a smart-alec. My last post, I said I wasn't finished with May yet. So, today, on June 2, I finally got around to tearing off the page for May from my work calendar. I folded it up for scrap paper, as I always do. Later in the day, I had to consult the calendar to check a date in June. I saw May, not June. I thought I only imagined I had torn off May, but no, the calendar had two pages for May. So, it looks like I get an extra month this year! Yippee! I can highly recommend a calendar that gives you an extra 31 days in the year! (I did check, and all the rest of the months were there... didn't want to come up short at the end of the year!)

1 comment:

paula said...

LOL - I want a double month. Let's make a cool one like March or April - or better yet - put it in front of December so I can get done EVERYTHING I want to get done for Christmas and never do.