But it is, after all, Halloween... so we need to make this more sinister. So, is that a beautiful blue sky with the moon and a wispy cloud? Or is an evil government experiment?? (Okay, even *I* am having trouble taking myself seriously now!)
In fact, that is not a cloud at all. It is a chemtrail from an airplane. You can tell because an airplane contrail disappears as the plane goes along. The chemtrails linger for hours.
I don't know that I believe all the conspiracy theories, but I do know some facts. Fact is, these seem to occur more and more often. It is not unusual to see grids in the sky almost daily. I am more inclined to believe it is some kind of training exercise, but I have no idea for sure.
I just know that three hours elapsed between the first photos and the next one. When I went outside later, the sky was literally covered with lines and grids.
But the trees sure are pretty, with the sun shining through the leaves. And that's a fact, Jack.
It's Mike creating in the sky.
Ha! You may be right!
It's pilots looking for that cute girl who does fun art.
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