I tried to create five minute art, but it's not possible. I need more time! I had a one day weekend, but in my free time, I used my given 25 hours (!) very creatively. I did do a couple of five minute things in the days before that, things I wanted to follow up on when I had more time. In particular, I wanted to make a lettered fabric piece, like Lisa's. I enjoyed the two days in her workshop, I was happy with my work, I felt a new confidence about writing on fabric... it looked very promising...
Make a grid on fabric with Scribbles fabric paint... check. (under five minutes)
Let that dry, then paint colors in the grids... check. (way more than five minutes. I mean, there were SO many decisions... do I want to paint all the way to the edges of each grid or leave white space? I was using new Liquitex inks, but only had primary colors, so had to experiment with mixing. Note to self: Self prefers premixed inks.)
Let that dry then write letters in the grids. hmmmm. screeeccchhhhhh to a stop. (way, way over five minutes)
I tried both the FW white and the Liquitex white acrylic inks. They both pulled a disappearing act into the fabric. Was it me? Was it the pen? Did I not shake the ink enough? Did I shake it too much? Did I dip my pen in water too much to keep the acrylic from hardening on the nib? And what about the fabric itself? Then I remembered all the stuff about primed/unprimed, sized/unsized, and about the Jacquard's No Flow.
Paint a thin layer of No Flow onto the remaining grids....check.
(And while I was at it, I painted No Flow on other pieces of fabric backgrounds from the workshop, either the whole piece or a portion for comparison.) (It was a couple of days before I was able to get back to the fabric experiments.)
The No Flow did seem to make a difference, but it was still a struggle to write on that particular piece. My cool fabric projects were becoming sample/experimental pieces. (If you ever want to get into my head, just watch what I write when I'm just practicing and writing whatever pops into my head. I really did try to write "Practice makes perfect", but by the time I got to the end of the sentence, that's not what came out!)
I've also started another "no-where-near-five-minutes" project. I can't reveal it yet. I got this at Gaye's yard sale and she might want it back if she sees what I'm doing with it....
I'm loving everything you did. And the random heart is an omen. Do you have a secret admirer that you're not telling us about? And I know I'll be so jealous when you finish my impulsive yard sale throw out. It's looking so cool already.
Hi Pat,
I just had a nice visit through the first 3-4 pages of your blog. Love your sense of humor and beautiful artwork throughout!
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