Saturday, February 11, 2012


I'll bet you are thinking these cupcakes don't look very appetizing, as cupcakes go.  Kind of on the flat side, I'll admit.

Here's the thing... It was my friend Gaye's birthday. We had already postponed a get-together because she had been sick. So when we finally had a new date set up, I thought maybe I'd make a chocolate cake for her. Or, I thought to myself, maybe some cupcakes. I went to the kitchen to see if I had cupcake liners. But, since I'm a maker of Things more than I am a maker of Food, I thought those cupcake liners would be perfect for giving her the tapes I had bought for her. 
So that's how she received part of her gift. The tapes were wrapped in black tissue paper. Cardboard circles on the top were decorated with dimensional fabric paint in a squeeze bottle. (And I didn't end up making the cake, because I only had one ingredient required to add to the cake mix - water.  That is fairly typical in my kitchen when I attempt to make anything.)
As usual, we had a fun time on our visit.  I got to play with her micro engraving pen, making scribbles and words on metal.  It's a good thing she didn't turn her back, because I might have had to steal that dandy little tool.

And she always has different projects to awe and inspire me.  I love, love, love this little leather and metal book.  It is tiny, yet packs a powerful punch.
Yummy ideas running all through my head now!


letterlady said...

Happy Birthday to Gaye! I'll bet she loved your version of cupcakes better than she'd have liked any from the bakery.

J.La said...

You are the mac-daddy-coolest! These cupcakes are the bomb and I know Gaye swooned when she opened the package! Clever, clever Girl! I like your style and I thank you for bestowing FWB's on me......