Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Directions

Happy New Year! 
I love the beginning a new year.  It's so full of possibilities.  So, we move forward and onward, right?  Not so fast.  I like moving forward, but I also like to take some of the old stuff with me.  Like unfinished projects that I didn't get to last year.  I sometimes let them sit on the back burner until they are ready.  If I don't jump in and finish something right away, it usually means there is something about it that I'm not happy with.  And if I think about it long enough, a new approach usually comes to me.

I also like to re-visit past issues of magazines and books I haven't looked at lately.  Sometimes the projects that did not interest me before suddenly seem very interesting.  So, yes, I'm moving forward into the new year, and my bags are packed with possibility!

Come on along!!!


gaye said...

For me the New Year makes me want to reorganize. I'm so ready to clear out to make room for new ideas. Gonna start today!

MrCachet said...


I'm a real newbee with TravelersH'art, to the point I'm really unfamiliar with what transpires along the group activity line. I hope you don't mind that I simply comment here.

I do a lot of mail art, but most of it is sold before I even do it. Consequently, I'm not sure how to gracefully look for a mail art swap with someone occasionally. You mentioned you missed it, so I thought I'd start here - with you. Reply with a snail mail address, and I'll try to do something within the next couple of weeks. You can blow the comment away if you're uncomfortable leaving it here.