Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Shenanigans

This is where I spent my day.

Well, not in that little birdhouse, but in the white building behind the random tree with the random birdhouse.

Inside that white building (a library in Louisville), I had a great soldering class with my friend Paula Hardesty. (warning - this is where I rave about Paula!) I think she is the best teacher ever if you want to learn soldering. She provides the whole kit that includes everything you need, plus enough extra stuff to go home and make more pieces. Her blog link is to the left if you want to see where she is teaching.  She was so patient with all of us, and she can zero in on what the problem is if things don't look right.  Very laid back class and so much fun.

We all had a great time, and I made these pieces.
 I need more practice on making the bumpy texture she makes so easily, and I need to practice making wire swirleys while I'm sitting in front of the TV. But I figure my skills can only get better if I just stick with it.

Here are some of Paula's pieces. They are just beautiful in person. If you ever get a chance to take a class with her, go-go-go and do it!  You will never regret it.


Medbury Gaye said...

We did have a fun day didn't we. It's always so nice to renew your skills by taking the same class again. Plus there is always something new that has been discovered since the last class you took. You class samples were GREAT!

ginny said...

I think your pieces are wonderful!
I wish I could have been there with you all.

paula said...

Pat you are a sweetheart. I like the "rave about Paula" part. LOL. We all tend to forget how to do things if we don't do it again after class. I so enjoyed everyone on Saturday. Thanks for coming.