Friday, June 26, 2009

This Too

I forgot one thing that goes with the other mystery items from the last post. (Notice how it even comes with its own question mark?)

And just because these are so sweet... look at the delicate blooms on my hostas, bent over from the rain shower this morning, with droplets of rain still on their little petals. I like hostas. Mainly because I plant them and that's it. Except that you need to divide them eventually, which is also a plus. Why anyone would buy a hosta plant is beyond me, since they are more than generous with their offspring!

My hostas have a large family tree. I think my sister first got some. She divided hers and gave some to my mom. Then my sister moved. After she got to her new place, my mom divided hers and gave some back to my sister. At some point, my mom also gave me some. I really didn't want to take them at first. You see, I do not have a green thumb. At all. But these pretty much take care of themselves. And they must like it here, because they have the pretty, stalky flowers every year.

In my next life, I'd like to be a better gardener....

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